Kadimah Counselling

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Want to or Have to?

By Esther Cohen

There is a multitude of things that need to get done each week, each day, each hour, each minute. There are tasks that we choose to do, some tasks come with the job (like changing nappies!) and some tasks are ‘must do’.

For many, things that started as a ‘want to do’ can easily become a ‘must do’, taking away their pleasure. Listen out for the words you use to tell yourself and others what you are doing on any one day. How often do you use ‘must’, ‘have to’, ‘ought to’, ‘should’?

“I must get up 20 minutes earlier to wash my hair before work. I ought to contact my friend to arrange a coffee date. I also have to find a present for my housemate and should really make her a surprise party.”

What happens if you swap pressure words for undemanding words like ‘want to’, ‘choose to’, ‘would like to’ or ‘am looking forward to’?

We all have an inner taskmaster that thrives on the stresses we create for ourselves. When I feel under pressure, I often check the language I am using, usually surprising myself when I realise how much I want to do the things I must do!!