Kadimah Counselling

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Balancing Action and Reflection

By Esther Cohen

Inspired by and in loving memory of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Actions and reflections go hand in hand and lead to successful outcomes.

In theory, action should be followed by reflection which informs further actions leading to a more profound reflective process before choosing the next steps.

In practice, finding time for contemplation and introspection during our busy lives is a luxury that few of us can afford. Yet, taking a few minutes to catch up with ourselves and evaluate how things are going, helps us stay on track towards our goal. It also allows us to perceive when it is time for change or when we have deviated from what we believe to be truly important.

Sincere introspection allows us to see what is in our hearts, opening the doors for self-understanding and self-compassion. For some, this can be scary as inevitably reflection causes us to be more aware of our vulnerability and hurt. But it also makes us courageous, as it connects us with our core self and ultimate purpose.

Give yourself the gift of reflection by creating moments where you can catch up with yourself. Be mindful of the thoughts running through your mind and the feelings those bring. Whether it is a short 5 minutes on waking up, a walk around the block, some moments of mindful thinking while listening to music or the silence on the way back from work, you are worth the investment of time.