The Power of Genuine Praise

By Esther Cohen

Praise is one of the most powerful gifts you can give another human being. We know how good it feels to get a genuine compliment, especially when unexpected. Yet, we are reticent to share the positive we see in one another. Why??

One day I set a challenge to my pupils at school. They were asked to use any opportunities to give compliments to friends, classmates, children in other classes and school staff. I asked them to observe the expression on the faces of those they praised and to report back during our next lesson, the following day.  The result was everything I could have hoped for. My pupils were astonished to see how their compliments lit up the faces of those they spoke to. Amongst other shared stories, they noticed that a lonely child cheered up and joined in the play, how a teacher who looked harassed and stressed broke into a wide smile, and that a child struggling with the task at hand smiled gratefully. They felt good about making others feel good.

A genuine compliment is a gift. A real gift. It might take a moment of your time to say or text it, but it will last a lifetime in the hearts of those you touched. As we rush about our day-to-day life, many people around us unwittingly end up going unnoticed or are taken for granted. It is up to us to change that and bring a smile to their faces!

Try it out for yourself. From the taxi and bus drivers to the security guard at your work/study place, the secretaries, managers, and directors too (and everyone else you come across)! Just yesterday, I thanked a random taxi driver for his kindness to my mother when he patiently waited for her to get into the car. His face lit up and I watched as he straightened his shoulders and held his head high. He thanked me for thanking him!

Most people might forget what you said to them, but they will never forget how you made them feel. 

Go on, go out there and make a difference to someone’s day!

Gavriel Cohen