Be a Turtle!

By Esther Cohen

The well-known story of the hare and the turtle brings back memories of a lesson learned during childhood. In the story, the hare teases the turtle for being slow. To the hare’s great amusement, the turtle challenges him to a race. The hare springs forward and is soon out of sight. Feeling too confident in its ability to win with no effort, the hare lays down for a nap. Meanwhile, the turtle keeps going steadily, never giving up. It slowly passes the sleeping Hare and wins the race.

Let me ask you a question… Are you a hare or a turtle?

How do you strive towards your goals?

Despite not being competitive, I have certainly had many ‘hare’ moments when I have sprung forwards with strong ideals and ideas only to find myself sidetracked by all the unimportant things that life threw my way.  I have needed to recalculate and redirect, sometimes over and over, to finish the race set by my own dreams and goals.

An example? Writing for me is a pleasure and a challenge. I am like the turtle who perseveres despite the linguistic difficulties of putting what is in my mind and heart into words. If I were to quit the race, there would be no winner.

So, I ask you again… Are you a hare or a turtle? Do you spring forward with ideas and goals that when met by distractions or challenges are left to the side and forgotten? Or, do you face the challenges that lurk around the corner with determination, resilience and self-acceptance?


Life’s journey to success might not be easy or straightforward but our attitude and the choices we make along the way as we navigate towards our purpose are what make life meaningful. Your perceived limitations are the only obstacle to overcome.

Remember – if an opportunity comes your way which awakens a yearning in your heart it is because you can, and you will get there!!

Be a turtle and never give up!

Gavriel Cohen